Reflective Essay: Why I Move To The United States

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I was born in the majorly poor polluted country of Peru where your opportunities were limited to your assets and success wasn 't always achieved but generationally given or bought. With this in mind my parents made the wise decision to move to the United States in search for a better future for their precious little girl. The change was difficult especially with a language barrier and because of this at the young age of four I had to in very simple words “grow up” and grow up fast. One may not always see the advantages one has when speaking the native language of their country and some may criticize those who aren 't capable of speaking English, but let me tell you it’s a lot easier said than done. As a child I was practically my own parent and in many …show more content…

It was at this time that I noticed family is all that I needed and truthfully speaking all I had. All the times I would angrily talk back to my parents and blame them for the life we live they would consistently respond with “you’ll thank us both one day”. I didn 't notice it at the time but they were right. My eyes were finally opened shortly after and I was able to see the purpose in my parents actions. I started to recall all the evenings we would as a family drive downtown and pass out containers of meals to the homeless, the hour long weekend drives to a heavily populated hispanic city of Eustis to assist the less fortunate for five consecutive years and the nights my mom stayed up until my father arrived from work. My parents were the best role models and persistently encouraged me to reach beyond what they’ve accomplished and engrained in me the most valuable lesson that’ll never be taught in a classroom which is to care for those around you even when you need it most. I was given that which is has no price, never fades and is constant which is love. My upbringing has made me the independent person I am today and has guided my desire to help others through my interests in the medical field and