
Overcoming A Successful And Impactful Elementary Teachers And Special Education

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I never would have thought that 17 years ago I would be applying for scholarships, be able to run, breathe on my own but most importantly be living a healthy and positive life. At some points simple tasks or processing information are sometimes difficult for me but I have had tremendous support and been persevering through challenges everyday. One of the biggest moments of overcoming a challenge in my life is being born a preemie weighing only smallest baby to live at that time in 1999.Being born to teenage parents that abandoned me and were both troubled teens. My father was a juvenile delinquent and my mother was raised in a non-structured house, didn’t have rules or boundaries and had bad decision making skills letting her actions take …show more content…

First, one of main goals in life is to be a successful and impactful Elementary teacher and Special Education K-6. To achieve this goal I intend to continue to attend class, be consistent and be a responsible student throughout my college experience and gain more experience being around kids more and understand the circumstances of being a teacher and the skills too. Another goal I have set for myself is to become more aware of what is happening around the community and to get more involved on the social aspect and attending as many school social events or opportunities as I can. To go through with this goal I plan to start from the beginning and sign up for various clubs, groups, religious gatherings, organizations etc to get the most out of getting to know more people and to continue to stay connected. Maintaining grades and GPA I will need to stay on top of my schoolwork daily, study adequately, use TRIO program and tutoring assistance, check for understanding in class, communicate diligently and to advocate for myself and to improve on time management and making sure I get everything finished early or on time. Another life/college goal I have is to stay motivated and fully focused throughout the year, not getting distracted on lazy on my schoolwork and working on my attitude and my view on things. One of my other main goals in college is to make lifelong friendships and try new things too. I want to accomplish this goal by venturing out and going out of my comfort zone. Not having a supportive family and reliable is one of my weaknesses because, they never actually had faith in me and believed that I could achieve anything. My parents were teenagers when they had me which makes life difficult because I continue to try to break down barriers of young black woman and the stereotypes and assumptions people make. But being a 17 year old African American teenager in Lincoln, NE is

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