Student Centered Learning Style

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For me learning is an ongoing process of attaining knowledge and skill by studying or practicing, utilizing diverse styles which best support an individual in a formal or informal way. E.g. learning to write words or numbers, a foreign language or be it as basic as to ride a bike. As children grow they are likely to have different learning styles. Generally, children use three main physical receivers; Visual i.e. by looking at the pictures or reading texts, Auditory i.e. by listening or talking to others and Kinesthetic i.e. by movement and touch, to adopt the prevailing learning style or preference. Classically our learning style was forced upon us from foundation year to KS 1. Information is presented to us kinesthetically. From KS2 to KS3 …show more content…

Here the teacher acts like an expert or stands in a position of power. Whereas in student centred learning the teacher is a facilitator, personal model who leads by example or a delegator as a’ resource’ to the students. Both students and teacher play an active role in the learning. Their learning is measured continuously both formally and informally which includes group work, think-pair-share, student portfolios and class participation. As learners are placed in responsibility of their own learning and development. Thus I feel student centred learning is more beneficial for students. The teacher needs to identify their personal teaching style and should also understand the learning styles of her students to engage and motivate all the learners further to enhance their …show more content…

It also helps to measure the teachers teaching as both are actively involved in the process. Assessment can be summative or formative. Formative assessment starts from gauging the prior knowledge of the learner to the mid plenary and the differentiated task done by the students. Group and pair discussions, Self and peer marking done by the students, a detailed analysis of the students work or a simple answer given by the learner during the lesson. Taking learner feedback helps teachers to identify individual or group needs of learning. It helps the teacher to apprehend the prior knowledge of the learners and accordingly she determines the next steps. It informs parents and children about the targets and next steps for further progress. Assessment information helps school leaders to plan professional development needs of the teachers to support them. It also helps Board members to decide and plan the resources needed for making further progress. Assessment for learning enables a mutual learning between teachers and students. The most important of all is that information gathered through the process of assessment should be used to improve the teaching and