Reflective Model Of A Nurse's Duty Of Care

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John’s reflective model of influencing factors reveals the key elements which contributed to this incident. The (NMC, 2015) emphasizes on the duty of care a nurse should provide to service users which was not met in this incident. This creates awareness of the lack of basic nursing skills and qualities such as a breakdown in communication, lack of competence, decision making, policies regarding A&E slips and a lack of the school nurse’s responsibility/knowledge about her caseload and children with long term health conditions. It also identifies key issues such as a lack of collaborative working to prioritise health needs and “nursing culture”.
The Department of Health (2004) highlights the importance of inter professional working to optimise health needs of children with long term illnesses, it identifies that this improves health outcomes for the child, supports the family and promotes social inclusion. Like minded, Bayliss-Pratt (2013) suggests that MDT working generates the appropriate skills to achieve better results and practices; an important outcome of the NHS healthcare system. When healthcare practitioners fail to liaise with each other professionals, it results in care delivery being inadequately …show more content…

It highlights the responsibility of duty of care and identifies that when this is achieved, care delivery is optimised. To avoid further incidents from occurring, it is important that the student and the school nurse promote successful MDT working. This is only achieved when there is a constructive professional relationship and a mutual appreciation and value with regards to roles and responsibilities of all persons involved. (Derbyshire and Machin, 2011). In agreement, Coulter et al., 2013 highlights the significance of MDT working and building productive working relationships to promote and optimise care