Reflective Team Work Essay

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In working with children, there are more barriers for workers in terms of responsibilities. The transition from working with adults and children is significant in where working with adults within the social services sector, you can only help them out so much because adult clients can make decisions for themselves. Whereas in working with minors, sole responsibility for youth becomes mine and my teams, and from such responsibility comes a lot of pressure. Pressure put on my team ranged from having to keep parents happy, by making sure the service we provided was an enjoyable experience for their children, as well as having to ensure the safety of their children. Besides keeping parents and students happy, added pressure from this experience …show more content…

Though the holiday programme was a success, there were certain events that occurred during the programme that I could not handle. With the help of SWOT analysis on the staff’s personal traits, in understanding team strengths I was able to get help and advice from a senior member of staff on how to approach certain situations with the students. An example of incidents that would occur from the programme was that one girl would always run away from the programme area, whenever she was upset by another person. The obvious issue that comes from this incident is that I am held responsible, and from having a student run off the premises of the programme student safety becomes an issue. Fears such as the student getting hurt by oncoming traffic or abduction becomes a fear for parents and also my organization. To counteract this habit, my colleague had setup a seclusion zone within the facilities to ensure that we could keep an eye on her, and also give her space to cool down without being in contact with anyone. On my own that was something I would not have thought about, and with having someone who knows how to handle such incidents like the one mentioned, working also became a learning experience for myself and other