Refugees In America Essay

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Bringing in refugees and allowing them to enter into the U.S. has some downsides, but it will benefit the United States and will allow the country to grow in ways it never thought of and never have before. This debate on whether or not the refugees should stay or not has been going on for decades. The debate on how the U.S. should keep them out has been a struggle as well. Keeping them in would cause less conflict with other countries and would benefit the U.S. in more ways than it would hurt the U.S. The easiest way to take care of the ‘problem’ would be to simply let them stay. One of the biggest benefits of letting the refugees into America would be that they let us know what possible terrorists might enter the U.S. For example, Huffington Post states, “One refugee resettled in the United States said, “Before the war, life in Syria was heaven on Earth... safe and secure... After that, we were targeted, so we had no choice but to leave.” There’s never been a better anti-ISIS ad than that.” A refugee warned them about certain people that were willing to join terrorists groups that have to do …show more content…

As soon as refugees get to the U.S., their main goal is to build better life, and what better way to fulfill that dream by finding a job. Refugees find jobs and become independent. For example, Minn Post states, “Once established in their new homes, refugees often open up new businesses and create jobs, and their purchasing power has a positive effect on the economies of communities that welcome them.” It also states that refugees in the Cleveland area generated $48 million per year in economic activities. Such a big amount would make people think that having more refugees would be a positive thing for the U.S.