
The Pros And Cons Of Migration Into The United States

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In recent times, the United States has become a global safehaven for refugees. Americans are set in their ways, so refugees are forced to learn American customs themselves. Because of refugees’ different ethnical backgrounds, they often have a hard time integrating into society. Often, integration is harder because refugees can be seen as a danger to society and are not welcomed here, causing them to agglomerate in poorer area of the country. The government, having brought the refugees into America, is responsible for helping refugees set up their new life. This might involve schooling refugees or portraying refugees in a positive light.

Compared to other immigrants, refugees need a lot more help resettling into the United States. Other immigrants …show more content…

Thus they “Almost immediately begin a series of continuing [secondary] migrations that show a pronounced shift towards the West and South towards areas of higher refugee population,” (Haines 175). California has about two-fifths of the refugee population due to the jobs, climate, and existing refugees. However, agglomeration does not come without its side effects. Many refugees in the same area leads to greater competition for housing and jobs. The high demand for housing means that the price for housing rises while the high supply for labor means that wages will be low. It is in situations like this that the government needs to step up and provide assistance to these refugees. One way that the government can help is to provide an education for the refugees. “Employment seems to be the critical factor in moving the refugee into the mainstream of society,” so the government needs to help the refugees get a job (Stein 27). Vietnamese refugees often had more professional white collar jobs before they were forced to emigrate from Vietnam. In 1977, approximately thirty percent of incoming refugees had professional jobs while most of the rest had blue collar jobs. Compare that to those

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