
Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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The acceptance of Syrian refugees has been an extremely controversial subject for the past five years. Because of the violence, the collapsed infrastructure, and the endangerment of children in Syria caused by the civil wars, Syrians have been trying to seek refuge in the United States since 2012. Not only is America the national symbol of freedom, it is also a symbol of safety and refuge. By not accepting Syrian refugees, the US will lose its national status of being a safe haven for all. The United States should accept Syrian refugees because of the moral obligation, the positive economic effects, and the added security.
There is a moral obligation to accept Syrian refugees into America. The US is a powerful country, with it not only having “natural geographical advantages” for trade, but also having "extensive military power”, making it “the world’s only superpower, dominating the world’s economic and political systems” …show more content…

In an interview between Paul Solomon and Jeffrey Sachs over the economic impact of refugees in America, Sachs, a senior UN advisor about the economic impact of refugees in America specifically, states that “there are gains when people come, add to the labor market, add skills and generally, earn less than what they can contribute to the society as a whole” (Sachs). America benefits as a whole from the added benefits of skills and labor.
Some people might argue that “refugees take jobs from native workers and reduce wages” (Cassidy). It should not be forgotten that not only do Syrian refugees need to learn English to be able to communicate, they also have to make the effort of finding a job. Not only does America benefit from refugees being here, but the refugees themselves benefit from this by escaping their harsh lives and coming to a better one. By accepting Syrian refugees, not only will the economic effects be positive, there will also be overall increased security in the

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