Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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How much is enough and have the American people had enough? How much are they going to endure from the President before they revolt against him and those in charge? The resettlement of 10,000 or more Syrian refugees in the United States have the American people as well as many politicians, outraged. They will fear for their safety as well as for the safety of their country, if this is allowed. It remains to be seen as to what extent they will go to in order to halt this resettlement of Syrian refugees

To many Americans, it seems President Obama has failed to follow through with some of his campaign promises. He promised to reduce the American deficit, but in reality, increased it. He made promises to increase taxes on the rich but actually …show more content…

For years the United States has allowed this to go without any consequences to this terror group. Many people from Syria are trying to flee their country due to the inhumane treatment there. They have turned to the United States as well as other countries for an escape from this terror in their own country. The United States is a compassionate nation and is known for their stand for humanity of all people. The US took in almost 20,000 refugees from Iraq last year and now are planning to take in 10,000 or more Syrian refugees in the upcoming year. Normally, this would not be a problem for the American people. In light of the recent terrorist attacks and current threats from ISIS in the United States and other countries, it has Americans concerned for their safety. President Obama is still insisting on bringing these people in under the same conditions as previously planned. Americans feel, by allowing these refugees in from this country, ISIS will use this as a means to bring in some of its ISIS members as well. Therefore, jeopardizing the American people and their country. The FBI has admitted they do not have the manpower or the databases to properly screen these refugees, and guarantee the American people that ISIS members will not be among them. Homeland Security, the FBI, and the