Persuasive Essay On Refugees From The United States

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As a citizen from The United States of America, I feel blessed to have been born into a place where opportunities are readily available, and I am able to feel safe. Not all people enter into the world where that is the case. There is no magical list or way to change where you are born since your parents make that decision for you. Countries are plagued by wars, and some seem to never end. Refugees from war-torn countries have the right to live a life where they are not persecuted and constantly in fear. Ann Curry states, “World Refugee Day is a reminder that there is no ‘us’ and no ‘them.’ There is only us, one human family, connected in ways we sometimes forget.” I don’t think it’s ethical to prohibit a war-refugee that is in that type of living environment from coming into our country. All countries, that have the ability to support more people should allow refuge settlement from war-torn countries. Not long after WWII the United States passed one of its first refugee legislation laws that would help and allow Europeans that were affected by war to cross the border and create a new home. More refugees soon followed at the conclusion of the Vietnam War, The Cold War, and many others. By …show more content…

Bush suspended admission of refugees for several months after the 9/11 attacks due to national security issues. Between the years of 2009 and 2015 caps that were put in place limited the migrating number between 70,000 and 80,000. In recent years the number of refugees has decreased. President Donald J Trump pressed to put a cap on refugees allowed to enter the country beginning in 2017. “When Mexico is sending its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapist. And some, I assume are good people.”, Trump reported in June 2015. The new cap he proposed was 50,000, which was reached by mid-summer. However, the United States was still allowing refugees with close relationships to