Reggio Emilia, Head Start And The Comer Model

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There are many forms of education and development programs to become a part of as a teacher. Each one has both pro and cons that befit and create problems. For a future teacher, such as I this allowed me to look at a few and based on the research come to an idea on what works best for me. I also should take into consideration on what type of teacher I would like to become. Finding a partnership that best represents the way I want to teach. Three I am having to look at are as follows Reggio Emilia, Head Start, and the Comer model. I hope by the end of this essay to have some idea of what works the best for me and how I will teach.
The first look is at the Reggio Emilia program. Started after World War 2 by a group of parents in Italy wanting …show more content…

A program that has seen firsthand through many of my field experiences for several of my classes. Head Start is another program that involves both the parents and community. Their goal is to get the community along with parents taking action in their children education. Goals like this can have both pros and cons about it. The pros are that a village is raising the child. Parents caring about their children education and the school they attend. The cons are not all parents can take part in their children’s education. Not all communities can afford to help their schools or the students attending it. Another goal is parents are not just parents, but so much more. Partners in the process of education, learning, and decision-making for their children. Second, parents as observers and participators. Helping in the classroom through volunteering and visiting, being the snack mom to a chaperon on field trips. Learners are not just the children, but moms and dads. Taking the opportunity to study, attend workshops, and grow as a parent and partner of a Head Start. Having parents behind you and the community helping as a teacher is great. The truth us that’s what makes Head Start look worthwhile, but the truth is their parallel to other schools. I see what they do, but to me, there is no difference. It has me thinking about would this work best for me and my answer might be …show more content…

The basis for this program was to help parent’s involvement and create a program that grew over time and improved. The goal that I identify with and understand the most creates a sense of shared reasonability between the parents and staff. I like that due to parents should have some say and teachers should take into consideration of any parents view and ideas which might help the class. That’s just one goal that I can get with. I love how they use what they learned and created their curriculum accordingly to what was happing in the times. I like how in today’s time so many countries are understanding that children today need to more than just to sit in a row of seats. They need get out, see, and do more. This to me was the start of what countries like Finland and Switzerland are doing today. Which are more collaborations, creativity, and experimenting then test taking? I’m taking this away from Comer’s program because after reading and looking further into this it works for me. I love all the connecting and teams to help every student, teacher, and the parent becomes the best. The backing that you get and give is notable in today’s time we need more of that. The support from all sides. I could see me teaching and work at schools like this. The Comer’s program works and works for