Reign Of Terror Dbq Essay

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The development of the French Revolution mirrors the development of egalitarian freedom over oppressive ideals, only emphasised through changed’ government systems; what began as a fight for equality, soon disfigured to radicalised egalitarianism and oppressive tyranny. Initially, a progressive society based on an obsolete government, the French Revolution epitomises the power of the people and the arbitrariness of revolution, echoed through the changes of governance systems. The impetus of the Revolution - socio-political and economic inequity against the bourgeoisie and proletariat, established the foundations of the revolution, its’ importance accentuated in the source below. The immensity of political unrest in France dominantly influenced …show more content…

Birthed from a multitude of causes including the execution of the king, the momentum and arbitrariness of the Revolution, and fear of counter-revolution, Terror itself, became synonymous with the Revolution. Questioning of the Terror thus was equivalent to questioning the Revolution- a crime which carried life sanctions. The Reign of Terror’s pervasive and tyrannic movement infiltrated the nation and claimed over 50,000 lives of conceived counter-revolutionaries, inclusive of Source B’s orator, Antoine Barnavare. Jean Paul-Marat’s emotive speech reinstates the New Order “crush us in the name of justice, they load us with irons in the name of liberty”, perpetuating the development of the Revolution from moral to tyrannical. With the guidance of both Source A and Source B, the first having addressed feudal and monarchical injustices’ committed against the people, and the second- the people's retaliation, to growing extremes, the development of the French Revolution can be traced efficaciously. The Reign of Terrors procession additionally reverberates’ the arbitrariness of Revolution without order, and the anarchic momentum it proceeds with. As the sensationalised revolution became at once the object of equality, but also the agent of its’ destruction, it essentially “had begun to turn on itself”, resulting in an ascension of political unrest, once again. The development of the Revolution, at the Reign of Terror, rehabilitates the first stage with the reinforcement of monarchical government power and order as opposed to people power, however, holds’ democracy and equality with greater