Reiki Benefits Essay

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Reiki and its Benefits
To understand Reiki in a best way one has to experience it. To describe Reiki or Energy Healing in words as best we might say that direct experience is the better teacher. Reiki treatments bring quick relief and stress reduction from pain and anxiety. Receivers usually report improved sleep, digestion and a better sense of well-being. Benefits of Reiki vary from person to person as it takes time to reach the state, like feeling less depressed, fully motivated and mostly they experience relief from side effects of radiation, medication or chemotherapy, Every person is unique. Reiki makes stronger the natural ability to heal itself and also supports the well-being by boosting balance in our energy centers called Chakras. Reiki is also claimed by some people as boundless therapy for aiding in the relief of cold symptoms, sprains, strains, flu symptoms, sprains and headaches even the side effects of cancer treatments. Reiki experts are also known to assist in the shrinking of tumors and in carrying diseases into remission.
Reiki also increases the strength and delays the aging process of a person even if he is in good health. By the continuous use of Reiki treatments, it will manifest …show more content…

Healing depends upon the user’s capability of dealing at that time which helps him heal faster and easily. It is like peeling back the layers of an onion. You cannot remove the bottom layer without first peeling back all of the top layers. With the guidance of Reiki energy to the specialist, he brings the maximum good to the user. Promises cannot be made by the specialist to the user because every person has its own capability of acceptance and will power and to respond to the Reiki healing energies. The only promise a specialist can make to the user is that the user will receive healthy benefits from the Reiki

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