Relational Bullying Argumentative Essay

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As a student in high school, we see bullying everyday. Although, many adults don’t strive to see other forms of bullying other than physical aggression, students constantly see relational bullying. Students use intent attributions to interpret internal and external cues of these situations(Crain, Finch and Foster). Numerous bullies are smart because they secretly harm others without getting caught because it’s often gone unnoticed by authorities. Generally, individuals that commit these actions learn what situations are easily reliable without being observed. Relational bullying is an attempt to ruin a peers social status or leaving them out of activities. Because authorities are looking for only aggressive bullying, new forms of prevention need to be provided to avoid relational bullying.
In reality, when an adult hears bullying they hear physical …show more content…

Schools often have awareness assemblies to stop bullying, but they frequently cover aggressiveness rather than verbal. Many schools have formed no tolerance policies against mostly physical bullying but also other violent behaviors(Jacobsen and Bauman). A multitude of schools wonder why they repetitively have bullying problems, owing to the fact all that they’re doing isn't affecting the type of bullying that is a problem. In movies they always show people being physically hurt by others, when really if any student is asked they will say they don’t see fights every day. Current studies are focusing on school counseling and what it can do to reduce these school bullying problems(Jacobsen and Bauman). Counselors cannot look over the whole school alone. Teachers and other authorities need to be doing the same. This isn’t a solution because counseling won’t fix all of the problems if that is all that is being done to help. When schools create anti bullying policies it is important that they describe relational bullying, not