Relational Leadership: Poised, Pertinent, Proficient, And Practical

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Authentic and Relational Leadership Poised, Pertinent, Proficient, and Practical
Gene T. Roach Jr.
University of Charleston

Abstract: There are numerous definitions of leadership, all of which contain elements related to people (the leader and the follower(s)), communicating in person or by the written word, actions (organizing, directing, coaching, and/or motivating), and for a purpose (meeting a goal(s) or accomplishing a task(s)) (ADP 6-22) (Fisher 2015) (Bolden 2013) (Hogan 2005). Additionally, everything done occurs within a given context. Effective leaders are poised, proficient, pertinent, and practical in the application of the art of leadership. This means leaders are ready to engage the group with effective methods and …show more content…

If the leader is charismatic and can effectively transmit their message, then yes. Although attachment theory has been used to explain the formation of relationships for years, only recently have scholars and researchers applied it to leadership (Sage Chp 24). The basic premise is that adults seek relationships with another who can provide care and serve as the safety for other activities. Throughout the various researchers, there are three re-occurring attachment themes. The best theme is secure attachment and develops when an alert provider meets the needs in a timely manner. This promotes trust with the receiver and generates the likelihood of future trust based relationships. Anxious or ambivalent attachment is a weaker theme. It evolves as a result of the irregular meeting of ones needs. The recipient will likely either a desire for excessively close relationships or fear of acceptance. Avoidant attachment is the worst theme identified. It occurs when the recipient’s needs are either not met or rejected outright. The recipient will not likely trust others, will avoid close relationships, and will not likely work well as part of a team (Sage Chp 24). Trust development is based on previous healthy and trusting relationships. In a current relationship, understanding, commitment, and communication generate trust-worthiness in the leader – …show more content…

For example, the U.S. Army developed a 360 degree evaluation which provides the opportunity for anonymous, candid feedback from at least three superiors, five subordinates, and five contemporaries. The evaluated officer selects those to provide feedback, they receive an email notifying them, and they answer 50 questions. There is potential for officers to only those likely to provide positive feedback, especially if the minimum number is selected. Officers can select higher number and thereby generate a broader perspective. With the larger pool, there is also greater anonymity for respondents (Army Multi-Source Assessment and Feedback, 2015). All of these tools provide for the leader opportunities for greater self-awareness. They may consider their own and others assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently they can better understand how their actions promote or impede follower performance. Can the leader manage and maintain group effectiveness? Can the leader remove obstacles and promote the generation of activities towards the identified goal(s)? Or is the team excelling in spite of the leader performance? Internally and externally generated assessments of leader effectiveness can promote effective relationships through conversation, openness, equilibrium, and equivalence (Sage Chp