
Reliance Baking Soda Essay

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Companies may face challenges when revamping or implementing new products, but for Stewart Corporation and Anna Regnante, the new Domestic Brand Director at Reliance Baking Soda (RBS), this analogy prove to be true. Anna first assignment was to restructure one of the company’s first product, baking soda. Even though she knew prior to excepting this position that there would be some difficulties generating profits as well as staying within budget; this once successful product line revenue and sales were now declining. However, according to, Stuart Gibson, when reorganizing or restructuring an existing product, businesses could have success if executives would initially understand the fundamentals of their business strategic problems (Gibson 2001). …show more content…

It seems that RBS, customers were moving away from baking soda in the baked goods category but many found other successful uses for baking soda in the household category. Consumers were using this product (baking soda) for cleaning purposes and laundry detergent. Therefore, for Anna, to achieve the results that the business needed in profit and revenue. The baking soda product line would need to be restructure and remarketed. Anna, needed to justify and identify other projections to extend the product line, she needs to analyze the existing product, plus, compare it with other competitor’s offerings (Linton 2015). Adding features to a current product would enable you to enlarge your current consumer base; you may also be able to increase your market share by matching allies’ product specifications and selling your product at a lower price. Anna also needs completely overhaul the market with

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