The History Of Vegetarianism

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Issue

The purpose of this report is to examine the changes of a people after being a vegetarian as vegetarianism is a very controversial topic because there are quite a number of arguments from both sides.

Vegetarianism can be define as a practice of abstaining from eating meat where else some vegetarian consume by-products of animal slaughter while some don’t consume ( ‘Vegetarianism’ n.d. ). There are numerous varieties of vegetarians. Example, total vegetarians, lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian and lacto-ovo vegetarian. Total vegetarians do not eat any animal merchandise, lacto- vegetarians do …show more content…

Quite a number of people tend to become a vegan because of spiritual reasons, better for the environment, better health and concern for animals ( Down to Earth Organic & Natural n.d. ).

1.2 Objectives of the Research

There are three objectives to this report with the first being to track the history of the vegetarian society. The second objective of this report is to identify the good changes after being a vegetarian and the third objective is to identify the negative effects of being a vegetarian.

1.3 Scope of Research

The topic of vegetarianism and its impact has many kinds of facts such as health, environment, animals and religions. This report will focus on how a vegetarian change a life of a person. It must be noted that this report does not cover the effects of vegetarianism on the environment and animal slaughter. The main focus of this report is to study the advantages as well as …show more content…

The improvement of health and the abstinence from alcoholic drink have eventually created the vegetarian movement. According to The Vegetarian Society (n.d.), the early 19th century, many people in Britain want to involve adopting a meat-free diet. Bible Christian Church was the first organization to practiced vegetarian diet (Avey 2014). The Vegetarian Society (n.d.) also stated vegetarian society was started by a school called Alcott House which was found by James Pierrepont Greaves. On April 1847, a letter was printed about should vegetarian society form. Business manager of Alcott House, William Oldham had responded the letter and opened a conference in school to gather those who were interested in forming vegetarian society. Through the second meeting, the vegetarian society was born on the 30th September 1847.

The history of vegetarian society during the twentieth century included the vegan movement and wartime. According to The Vegetarian Society (n.d.), in 1908, International Vegetarian Union (IVU) was founded. Till today, IVU still very active and encourage people to promote vegetarianism around the world. Besides that, during wartime, rations did not supply food for vegetarianism in the armed forces. This have been improved after the Committee of Vegetarian Interest was formed during the Second World War. The Vegan Society had formed for those members who are full