All Representations Are Acts Of Manipulation Essay

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All representations are acts of manipulation. This conference today aims to understand Module C and the interconnectivity of representations and texts. Specifically discussing the elective of the representation of people and politics through various forms and media, our discussion shall be based upon the following statement, “All representations are acts of manipulation.” Representations are deliberate acts of manipulation to impose political agendas and ideologies upon individuals and society. Composers position the audience to favour their political perspectives through the representation of personal ideas, values and beliefs. Shakespeare’s play King Henry IV: Part 1 deepens the understanding of representations, the duality of human nature …show more content…

Shakespeare characterises Henry as a person who is both politically manipulative yet remorseful as shown through the religious allusion , “Our holy purpose to Jerusalem,” as he tries to salvage dignity after the death of Richard II after his ascension to the throne as king. At Henry’s camp in Shrewsbury, Worcester remarks on Henry’s manipulative nature, this create a deeper understanding of Henry’s character as the audience begins to realise that there is more to his character. Shakespeare makes a comment, specifically with the symbolism of Hal representing Henry, “I do. I will,” regarding how Elizabeth reacts to this awareness by reducing the numbers in her council down to eleven by 1597. This comprised of only her most trusted and valued advisers, and thus minimising the corruption that bled through parliament. The manner in which Henry represents himself as a sovereign leader contrasts with his manipulative personality which he used to usurp Richard II and gain power and authority over the throne. Through Shakespeare's representation of Henry's character, he allows for a deepened understanding regarding the duality of human nature as an integral part of the facades in which individuals undertake to manipulate others into their personal political