Research Paper On Aphrodite

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Aphrodite is a goddess of love and beauty. However she is a self-centered, malicious, and violent person. Aphrodite hates vanity, jealousy, and most certainly despises anyone who considers themselves more beautiful than herself. She is a witty and self-centered goddess and is known for her beautiful complexion and power for love and procreation. Despite Aphrodite's appearance, she was not as charming as she seemed. She was a wicked and cruel woman, she was so invested in where she stood in society that she used her powers against others for her benefit. Aphrodite Ourania was born on April 18th, and because of this April is known as “Aphrodite's month”. Both birth and cosmic creation are linked. For example, mountains and other physical …show more content…

There is a conflict between mythologists stating that aphrodite's symbols vary from the dove, the swan, the pomegranate, and a myrtle. Sources state this or show a variety of sources saying that she is seen as an apple, a scallop shell, and also the dove and swan. Although both sources are correct, “ The Encyclopedia of Britannica,” and “The production of TSI, Technological solutions inc.” have different views. Further, into each website they have both concluded that all of these symbols are relevant to Aphrodite.“ The Encyclopedia of Britannica,” states that “ Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus (Heaven) after his son Cronus threw them into the sea. Aphrodite was, in fact, widely worshiped as a goddess of the sea and seafaring; she was also honored as a goddess of war, especially at Sparta, Thebes, Cyprus, and other places. However, she was known primarily as a goddess of love and fertility and even occasionally presided over marriage. Although prostitutes considered Aphrodite their patron, her public cult was generally solemn and even austere.” in comparison “The production of TSI, Technological solutions inc.” states that “The myrtle symbolizes love, …show more content…

Aphrodite could cause fighting couples to fall in love again, because of this belt. Also, the apple represents immortality, and among other things, the scallop shell represents femininity and fertility ( the pomegranate also represents fertility), as does Aphrodite. In relation to this, the swan symbolizes the soul, and femininity and represents the moon. Furthermore, the dove is a Reasonable symbol for Aphrodite because not only does it tell love and peace but “to whisk, smoke, and to be obscure”. Although in association with the editors of the “encyclopedia of Britannica,”, “She was known primarily as a goddess of love, and fertility and occasionally presided over marriage. On the other hand: Aphrodite was widely worshiped as a goddess of the sea and seafaring: she was also honored as a goddess of war, especially at; Sparta, Thebes, Cyprus, and some other places. In addition to this, “The Encyclopedia of Britannica,” states that “ Some scholars believe Aphrodite’s worship came to Greece from the east; many of her attributes recall the

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