Research Paper On Erikson

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Research Paper 1
At every stage of life, people from every social status in a given society have experienced neglect on some level. In the society we live in today, people of all ages question whether or not he or she is being deprived of basic human needs such as comfort, understanding, and love. However, Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist most known for his theory on the psychosocial development of human beings, speaks of much more critical issues within the ideals of how a person should grow up and feel towards others. In fact, personal issues coupled with trust, intimacy with others, and ego integrity can all stem from much more somber topics involving the deprivation of basic human needs (Saul McLeod). With all aspects of early …show more content…

Each of these stages is supposed to begin and end sometime between infancy and full maturity. Although in depth discussion of each stage isn’t necessary for the purpose of this paper, it should be noted that an individual is always mentally capable of coming back and completing any given stage (McLeod). Erikson fully acknowledges that his theory is a descriptive overview of human social and emotional development. Although it doesn’t adequately explain how or why this development occurs, the theory does tie together important psychosocial development across the entire human lifespan (McLeod). When a person experiences the inability to follow this somewhat predetermined means of surviving society, he or she begins to feel inadequate. In order to assist a child who has experienced these problems, he or she must have normal exposure to love, understanding of his or her own perceptions through contact with others, and reliable …show more content…

In other words, case studies are carried out (McLeod). For example, take Tyler Perry into consideration. Perry, an African American actor, comedian, and playwright, experienced difficulty completing these psychosocial stages. Since his parents were the wrongdoers who often put Tyler down, he had no choice but to reach out to therapists and cope on his own (Anne Caroline Drake). Although some people are naturally more inept to handle a given situation than others, therapy is a reliable resource to take weight off of anyone’s shoulders. However, these problems can manifest later in life even after treatment. Halle Berry, an African American actress and former fashion model was in and out of therapy ministration for thirty years (The Christian Post). For Berry, these issues of neglect and abuse presented themselves later in life through other people. Unfortunately, she got involved with men who abused her just like her father. Nonetheless, trauma caused from neglect and abuse can certainly manifest themselves in any stage of adulthood. In certain cases, professionals believe that some people never truly heal from this kind of mental