Research Paper On Gary Ridgway

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Gary Ridgway committed numerous offences of voilent crimes. When he was a teenager he was known for killing animals and setting fires (Nolic). When he was 16 years old he led a boy from school into the woods and stabbed him through the ribs into his liver. The young boy happened to live though. According to the boy, Ridgway walked away laughing (GARY). The boy he stab had lived and Ridgway was not arrested for this act (Nolic). When he was in custody for the Green River Killings, he told investigators he slightly remembers killing before. He stated he vaguely remember drowning a boy in a lake. The records show that two boys had been drowned in that lake around the same time that Gary told them. When he got older, he started to stalk some …show more content…

The first body was found in July of that year by children who were playing around the river. By April of 1984 at least 20 bodies had been found. Police believed that almost, if not all, of the bodies were prostitutes (Micol). Gary was arrested on prostitution charges in May 1982 (GARY). He became one of the suspects for the Green River killings in May 1984. He took a polygraph test and passed. They took samples of his DNA during this time. He was taken off the suspect list when he passed the polygraph test, but some people still had their doubts. By December the number of bodies has risen dramatically to 42. Most of these bodies were found near the Green River. Hence the name green river killer. He sometimes would go over state lines to try to confuse the police and investigators. Ridgway would get prostitutes or runaway and strangle them. Ridgway stated that he pick prostitutes because they were easy to pick up and not be noticed. He would kill them in his house or in his truck (GARY). Ridgway was a necrophiliac. This means after he would kill the woman, then he would have sex with the bodies. He admitted in an interview that sometimes he would get the urge again and he would go back to the body and have sex with them again. Ridgway told the interviewer that he would put the bodies in “Cluster.” This was so he could keep track of the women he killed. He stated he would drive by the clusters and think

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