
Research Paper On Misogyny

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No Means No
According to Merriam-Webster misogyny is defined as the hatred of women. However, the circumstances in which misogyny is promoted include much more than just saying that one hates women. They include those where sexual assault is encouraged. They include those where steps are taken to create an environment where said assault is easily executed. They include those where a woman is degraded based on her physical appearance. They include any situation where a woman is taken advantage of by a man. Fraternities promote misogyny by way that their members patronise both women’s bodies and minds. While attending a fraternity party Jessica Bennett and her friends had three rules, if one of us gets denied entry none of us entered, never …show more content…

This all occurred within two minutes of a girl’s arrival at Tau Kappa Epsilon on the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus. After three attendees were hospitalized and over forty underaged students were found in the basement drinking, investigators felt the need to step in. Drinks were poured behind the bars, where consumers were unable to see, which prevented them from knowing what was truly put in their drinks-rohyphon. Rohyphon is also known as the date rape drug which incapacitates the consumer, making them more vulnerable. Vodka served at the party, a typically clear liquid, was also said to be slightly cloudy in some cases. Though there is no verbal evidence, police believe that the ‘X’ marks on only girl’s hands were a signal to the bartender when serving drinks, the red ‘X’ signaled to add a date rape drug while the black ‘X’ indicated not to. There had been past instances when “Roofies” were added to girls drinks while they attended parties in fraternity row, however many believed those instances were in the past due to the lack of investigations. This tasteless, odorless drug that many believed was slipped into their drinks that night, sent three people to the hospital, caused a high number of pass outs, and also lead to who knows how many sexual assaults that night. Fraternities strike once again while promoting misogyny, and this time put many girls in physical harm by impairing them both mentally and

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