
Essay On Perfectionism

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When You’re a Perfectionist, but Your Life is Far From Perfect

When you are a perfectionist and your life is not perfect, you know it. And knowing it might just be the hardest part.

If you are a self-proclaimed perfectionist, you might still remember the day you realized just what you are. A day when it felt like the ground was falling out from under you and there was nothing for you to grip on to. The truth is, no matter if you overcame this rut or not, you will continue to have these days. Some will feel more hopeless than others, but they will always linger.

As a perfectionist, I found myself having one of these days a few weeks ago. With no idea where to turn, I sat myself down on a Vilas bench and wrote what I felt. What I learned …show more content…

Let’s face it. As we grow older, people who once were the closest to us move on. In a perfect world they would stick by our side and be with us forever, but that just isn’t reality. You can pull them back in as much as you want, but you can’t make them stay.

You will try and then succeed, but still get down on yourself.

No matter how well you do, someone else has to be doing it better, right? Not always true, but you will probably convince yourself of it.

You will feel neglected, flawed and invisible.

Maybe not all at once, but there is a good chance you will feel them. You will find yourself feeling imperfect and not worthy of other people’s time.

Ready for the kicker? As a perfectionist…

You will feel like no one else feels.

Those moments that come close to perfection? You will know when they hit you. And when they do, they will be some of the most beautiful times of your life.

You will alway push yourself to succeed.

No matter how much you stress yourself out over the smallest details, you will make accomplishments left and right. You may not be able to see them right away, but down the road you will realize just how far you’ve

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