
Research Paper On Virginia Woolf

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Adeline Virginia Steven was born in 1882 to a large and wealthy family which enabled her to pursue a life in the arts. Her father was a very well known man with connections and her mother was also known as she was a model in her days. The death of her mother in 1895 was followed by that of her half sister, father and brother within the next 10 years. These losses lead to Woolf's first depressive episode and subsequent institutionalization. As well as a focus in her writing.
Virginia was a women who did not accept the idea of men having the upper hand. One of the first moments she realized that men had the advantage was when her brothers were automatically sent to Cambridge for there studies, but Virginia had to make do with her fathers library …show more content…

Virginia though it was better to have money than to have a vote if it came down to the two. In the same essay “The Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf, she talks about how if her aunt (when she died) did not leave Virginia with 500 pounds per year she would have not been as successful in her life. That cash flow helped her survive in a man’s world. “The news of my legacy reached me one night about the same time that the act was passed that gave votes to women. [My aunt] had left me five hundred pounds a year forever. Of the two—the vote and the money—the money, I own, seemed infinitely the more important” (Woolf). I am surprised that she did not pick voting because throughout her writing work she helps women by calling attention for themselves and how she cares for the inner lives of women so I would imagine her to care about women in the long right to fight for more rights beyond voting. I would think voting is just the beginning, but I noticed if she would give up voting for money she must of had a strong belief that money is really important for …show more content…

Every time one of her family members passed away it took a massive toll on her. Having lost four family members including her father and mother, she was never herself again. When he father passed away, only then she took writing professionally and that is when a new type of style was born in her writing. The most famous and which is still studied today “Orlando” where the main character turns into a women throughout the story. It portrays something that has not been written before, making the man into a women was not the norm of the time. Virginia does not want women to have the higher hand, but she wants a world where men and women are equal. Which is fair to ask for. “From the inception of her career as a professional writer, Virginia Woolf was conscious of entering a terrain dominated by male figures from whom she encountered opposition”(Rodriguez). Virginia knew that what she publish and put out for the world to read, she would get negative responses. Again we have to remind ourselves, women were not allowed to do anything. When “Orlando” did publish in October 1928, it became right away a best seller. I think it was because of how different the novel was and it was something completely new for that time period. That novel made Woolf one of the best-known contemporary writers. Then, surprisingly instead of studying at Cambridge she ended up teaching two lectures at the school and with that she continued to

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