Resilience And Competitiveness In Basketball

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Resilience and Competitiveness
All leaders should have the quality of resilience. Jordan’s most visible attribute was his tenacity in being able to deliver results when under pressure. Every time Jordan stepped on the basketball court, it was clear that his mind set was to win the game. Whenever the team was in a tight corner, Jordan stepped up and provided the much-needed results. He was a standout player who salvaged victory quite a number of times in the most crucial games during the final minutes. Jordan had a buoyant spirit and he would always step up to take a shot when it was just him versus the clock. He was able to control his emotions and calmly take a deciding shot regardless of the background noise. He was always thirsty to break and set new records in the game. The mental strength that Jordan exhibited was enviable and all leaders should be able to adapt this trait when conducting their day-to-day business. Level-headedness in a leader is a much-desired attribute. Emotions should not affect the quality of his decisions (Northouse, 2015).
Michael Jordan was one of the most disciplined players of his time. Throughout his careers, Jordan religiously attended practise session to ensure optical physical fitness. He set up an exercise regime that he followed conscientiously and that ensured that he had the minimum incidences of injuries as opposed to other players. Another attribute that Jordan had was the good discipline he had both on the court and off

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