Reflection On Possession Of Resilience

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Personal Evaluation on Possession of Resilience A life experience of mine is discussed below to illustrate my possession of resilience, followed by discussion on ways to promote my resilience. When I was in Secondary 4, I faced great stress and I was diagnosed to be suffering from depression. Socially, I cannot get along well with my new classmates, who will be my classmates from Form 4 to Form 6, as we have great difference between our values and behaviors. Most of my new classmates were not hard-working, not respecting the teachers and would disturb the classes by making loud noise and leaving their seats freely. This obstructed my learning and caused conflict between us. Academically, as I entered the senior form, I realized that what I …show more content…

If a leader is not resilient, he cannot react quickly and appropriately in response to the situation or may even give up. As a result, the remaining group members will lose their direction and have no idea on what to do next. It is also important for personal and professional development because as we grow older, become more mature and get promoted, we will need to bear more and more responsibilities and lead more people (Ricketts & Ricketts, 2010). This will increase the requirement of leadership skills, which include resilience. Additionally, as we grow older, we will have more chance to face serious adversities and therefore greater possession of resilience will be needed in order to overcome those challenges (King & Rothstein, 2010). Therefore, we have to keep improving and developing our resilience by reflect and evaluate each experience that demonstrated our resilience, figure out our strengths and weaknesses considering different aspects of resilience, and develop our resilience through focused correction of the identified weaknesses (Daniel & Wassell, 2002). Conclusion In conclusion, through thorough understanding on the concepts related to resilience, we can understand the importance of resilience and the factors that affect it. We can also evaluate our own possession of resilience and thus develop our resilience. This …show more content…

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