Group Therapy Research Paper

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Counselors should themselves practice the following and encourage patients to also abide by the following things during therapies. 1) Respect confidentiality: Therapist at all times must keep any identifiable information of the participants confidential and should encourage the patients to do sotto. Unless there is a direct threat to the patient, any parties involved or the patient or the law demands it, information must be kept confidential by the therapist. Ensuing confidentiality from the patient party might be difficult but always encourage patients to share and be confidential. Create an environment of trust and honesty 2) Respect Privacy: Patients’ always decide on what information and experience they want to share and not to share. …show more content…

The core psychoeducational principle is education has a role in emotional and behavioral change. Having knowledge about the illness would help increase their understanding about the illness and symptoms. Particularly in group therapy, having all patients in the group informed about their condition would mean expanding awareness. Furthermore, psychoeducation can be given to patient family or who come along with the patients for treatment. Psychoeducation could begin with an introduction regarding the illnesses or conditions that the group demands. Mental illnesses are often accredited to unnatural factors, therefore, educating patients about the illness in an approach to make clear misconceptions about the disorder, which could potentially lead to medical …show more content…

The exercise is simply to identify the in-breath as in-breath and the out-breath as out-breath. When you breathe in, you know that this is your in-breath. When you breathe out, you are mindful that this is your out-breath. Focusing only on your breath brings focus to self and not anything else. Initially, this might not seem very fruitful because but with practice the results can be pleasing and the practice would start enjoying their breath. Instead if your breath, if you get all your awareness in walking and not think of anything else that would be mindfulness walking. In this regard, simply becoming aware and recognizing your actions will promote