Respiratory Distress Syndrome Case Study

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ARDS is commonly known as acute respiratory distress syndrome. This life-threatening condition was first seen in the 1960s when physicians noticed that twelve people who developed sudden breathing problems and rapid lung failure had similar patches on their lungs. ARDS starts as inflammation, in which then leads to the failure of gas exchanges of the lungs and blood. The blood starts to be deprived of oxygen, which leads to multiple organ failure. The damaged and inflamed small blood vessels will automatically cause people to be admitted to the ICU where there is no specific treatment for ARDS. The goal is to support breathing and allow the patient 's lungs to heal. “Acute” in this case means sudden or new. Severe trauma to the body, such as falling with a collapsing building, can directly injure the lungs and trigger ARDS. This is even worsen by pancreatitis. The mortality rate is extremely high if left untreated. …show more content…

This serious compression of nerves, blood vessels, and muscles can cause tissue damage and problems with blood flow. This is due to direct or indirect serious muscle injury, such as a building collapse. This can lead to kidney failure. While someone with extreme trauma has a high chance of developing crush syndrome, there are people who have a genetic predisposition to develop rhabdo. Early treatment of rhabdomyolysis can result in complete recovery. Despite the potential kidney damage, doctors can actually reverse

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