Response To Conflict

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Conflict can be found in every media outlet that you come across on a daily basis. This conflict stands prominent compared to all other stories or headlines. The journalists and news reporters seek out these stories of conflict, as they are proven to be an attention grabber of the public. There is more emphasis placed on the conflict itself, however, the resolution to the conflict is not always as clear. In order for the public to hear about the resolution to the conflict, there must have been some form of formal mediation that was able to resolve the conflict. This paper will discuss one example of conflict that was printed in the Wall Street Journal and how the conflict was managed and resolved to date. According to the article written by Liyan Qi and Laurie Burkitt entitled, "Wal-Mart Pressured by China to Resolve Labor Dispute," Wal-Mart allegedly did not follow protocol when it came to its contact with the Chinese Union regarding the closing of a store location. Wal-Mart decided in March 2014 to close the doors of the Changde location in China. Once the doors were closed Wal-Mart gave a small severance and …show more content…

So handling this conflict appropriately outside of the courtroom will go a long way in saving their good name in the eye of the public, unions, and government. Wal-Mart has gone on to enter into arbitration with 69 of the 135 employees to reconcile the conflict at hand. They are confident that they will be able to come to terms with each and every employee. They chose to do the arbitration separately as each employee deserves different compensation as the consideration of their title, time in service, and tenure all play a role in determining this. Not one settlement on compensation would be appropriate for