Response To Intervention: Case Study

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“Helen” is a sweet, compliant second grade child. She is currently on Tier 3 in the Response to Intervention (RTI) process with very little progress. “Determine students' initial knowledge and skill, their need for successively more intensive levels of instruction, and to gauge their response to the intervention provided” (Linan-Thompson, 2010). She presents with academic concerns in all academic areas with particular concern in the areas of reading and writing. These concerns require further consideration of interventions including possible special education evaluation. “Students whose learning trajectory shows little improvement may be considered for additional, more intensive intervention or evaluated for special education services” (O'Connor, Bocian, Beach, Sanchez, & Flynn, 2013). Currently, she is functioning well below grade level in all academic areas. She has a relative weakness …show more content…

She has not yet been recommend to proceed to tier 4 or special education evaluation due to insufficient data related to her absences as well as the missed days of school due to weather. Upon receipt of appropriate data, it is the intent of the team to review the data and recommend further RTI action or moving her to tier 4 and evaluation for special education. “Collaboration in RTI focuses on using data to make decisions about individuals and generate solutions to recurrent problems” (Lipson, 2011). Additionally, she receives support from the Early Intervention Program (EIP) for her reading and writing deficits in which her general education teacher and EIP team collaborate to help her make academic progress. The EIP team works together to give “support to general education teachers and paraeducators” (Wallace, Anderson, & Bartholomay, as cited by Dover, 2005) through collaborative lesson planning and taking data for the RTI