Response To Poetry Essay

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1. Who is the speaker in the poem? (NOT the author!! What do we know about the speaker based on this text?)
The speaker is one who has lost their life, and now haunt the individual as a ghost. 2. Where does the poem take place? (The literal setting of the poem)
The land of the dead, where ghosts can interact with the living. Later, the poem takes place in the house of the loved one to whom the poem is addressed. All the while still from the realm of ghosts.

3. What is the mood (overall feeling) of the poem? Give an example of imagery that reveals this. (Remember that imagery appeals to the reader’s senses.)
The mood is that of regret and sorrow, as the ghost cannot sufficiently communicate with the living. The living become afraid of the dead.
"Am I so changed in a day and a night
That mine own only love shrinks from me with fright,
Is fain to turn away to left …show more content…

What is the dramatic situation of the poem? (What is taking place literally?)
A ghost attempts to communicate with the one they love, but is unable, so it returns to its resting place in the ground.

6. What events/circumstances give dramatic rise to the poem and compel this speaker to speak out? The speaker is killed before its lover, and wishes that their relationship was what it was in life. The ghost realizes, however, that love in life and love in death are not the same, and must readjust and let go, even though it is still in love.

7. Give an example of figurative language that gives deeper meaning to this poem and support your answer. “And your voice as hollow as the hollow sea? ” (4,1), is an example of figurative language. It personifies the sea, as the sea cannot, nor is hollow, but it gives a great image. The sea is actually commonly used in writing and poetry as a symbol of hopelessness or loss, which is also an excellent example of symbolism.

8. Pick one line that you feel exemplifies the main theme of the poem and explain