Essay On Restorative Trauma

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CHAPTER THREE: THEORETICAL ARGUMENT REDEFINING RESTORATIVE EXPERIENCES FOR REPORT AND RECOVERY ENVIRONMENTS 3.1 INTRODUCTION: TOWARDS A HOLISTIC RESTORATIVE EXPERIENCE. Based on the review of the literature in the previous chapter, it is clear that there is a need to design report and recovery environments that both effectively respond to trauma, and allow for the initialisation of restorative processes. It is the contention of this dissertation that a truly restorative experience for trauma victims cannot only include the concepts of temporary cognitive and affective restoration set forth by SRT and ART, but also needs to accommodate for healing elements that generate a truly 'lived' experience of the restorative environment. Subsequently, the incorporation of multi- sensory design, the use of nature, and the integration of sense of place will be explored as essential components in creating a more holistic definition of restoration, particularly in relation to trauma, in this chapter. Figure 3.1. Graphical Summary of Proposed Theoretical Analysis (by author) 3.2 INCORPORATING SENSORY PERCEPTIONS INTO …show more content…

Furthermore, they argue that all these senses must be aroused in order to achieve a true experience of space, and create a sense of place (Zumthor, 2006). Merleau-Ponty (1962) supports this by emphasizing that spaces are not merely perceived, but lived, thereby forming emotional bonds and allowing for the previously mentioned 'osmotic relationship'. Furthermore, by connecting the body and mind to a space, architecture can evoke and establish association through the use of memory and imagination (Pallasmaa, 2005) creating both mental and physical 'lived'

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