Restorative Justice Case Study

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Restorative Justice approach, which balances the needs of the offender, the victim, and the community”(Juvenile Review Board, 2015). Our system wants more diversity on the board to represent the juveniles out in the community. There is no specific program we have made for this issue because you cannot put a review board into a program and the problem is solved. You have to start with the officials and move your way up. The tough love program is there to teach juveniles the skills they need to process and the steps they need to take in order to become positive citizens in today’s society. In this program we are here to straighten young juveniles between the ages of 7 to 21 saving them before they head down a road of danger in today’s prison …show more content…

This program as well brings a positive outlook on parents to. Youth will spend time out on a camp ground which is led by are do right staff these are councilors and correction officer who are highly trained. The youth offenders will have a chance to endure in school earning up their high school diploma or GED if needed as well allowing work experience to all juveniles allowing to receive money in exchange for their hard work. When juveniles excel in this program, they will be able to save up there and spend it on items of need and wants. We as a group feel that if we allow these youth to make earnings of there on without going out committing crimes to provide for their selves. The do right programs reach out to juveniles who come from low-income homes and families. In today’s study nearly 40 percent of children in the United States lived in low-income families with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level (Vulnerable Youth, 2015). Youth from low-income families engage in more risk behaviors during adolescence they are more than likely to be involved in become a member of a gang, attack someone or get into a fight, steal something worth more than 50 dollars, and ever run away (Vulnerable Youth,