Review Of Todd Strasser's Boot Camp

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I have read the book: Boot Camp, by Todd Strasser he is also the author of Give a Boy a Gun, and Can't Get There From Here. Todd S is very good at changing subjects, and being fast and effective at describing people and scenery- like on page 7, 8, and 9 it took 2 pages to describe the place, the instructor, and start the “c.y.a..” search. In the book, Garrett traveled in a car with two bounty hunter, Harry, and Rebecca. Garrett was taken from his home and transported to upstate New York. Garrett does not understand where he is, he thinks it is cause he was having trouble with his parents by getting into fights frequently. Garret is 15, very smart, and has a lot of absences. Pauly was there for 9 months and planned if he stayed until winter. …show more content…

9) “I want to tell him to go to hell but I have a feeling that's exactly what he expects.” so the only thing holding that was holding him back was that it wasn't offensive enough and to say “go to hell” is an all-around bad thing to say and I guarantee that if he did say it, no one would have taken it lightly. Later in the book, he talks to his instructor but he was being very rude and given questions with no good answer (pg.94) “Well?” Joe wants a response “I guess, sir.” you guess you better do more than guess you better agree. Your parents sent you here because they know what's best for you. when are you going to figure that out” it's pointless to answer” you can tell that he feels defeat and can't do anything about it which is very frustrating to feel. Finally, toward the end, there was a nice twist (pg.163)”You of all people ought to be more respectful, Joe. Didn't anyone ever teach you to be polite and obedient? Keep behaving like this and you'll wind up in TI.” He squirms and I press my knee down harder leaning all my weight into his back all those months wasted... agonized over... how I hated it this anger been building up without my realizing it maybe I was wrong not to let it out like the others. Hell, I wound up spending just as much time in TI they did anyway.” To put in other words the only thing boot camp taught Garrett is that you only build up anger in boot