The Fresh Prince of Bel Air was first aired on September 10, 1990 starring Will Smith, a street-smart teenager from Philadelphia. This a comedy-based sitcom played by no other than the jokester himself Will Smith. Therefore many few people have the gift of visual literacy. The rhetorical strategies employed chronological beginning with the first episode to the last episode represents the overall message of the show. Smith’s language is conveyed by the utilization of stereotype, shift in attitude, and pathos. When Smith first moved in with the Banks, he was a very rebellious teenager. In the Banks’ eyes he was very “different” and unusual. He wore baggy clothes, a hat to the side, and the way he talked or his communication rather was …show more content…
But, it was not until the airing of one very emotional episode titled, “Papa’s got a brand new excuse.” In this episode Smith’s father comes to visit him after a 14 year absent and promises to spend as much time with him before the summer ends. Of course Smith was beyond excited until his “father” makes yet another excuse. After been stood up for what seemed like 100th time, Smith confides in his Uncle Phil, “how come he don’t want me man?” The amount of emphasis on the emotion in his voice and the tears that rolled down his face sent chills down everyone’s spine. It was a feeling that some could relate to and if you could not you still felt saddened. This is one of those episodes that could be watched several times, and that feeling will still be there. “Papa’s got a brand new excuse” reverts back to the stereotype that all black young men fathers leave them. Emotions were also present in the last episode titled, “I, Done.” In this episode the Banks’ house was up for sale and everyone was preparing to go their separate ways. Unfortunately, Smith was not ready for this new life so he tried everything in his power to stop the house from selling. The thought of him staying in California alone completely terrified him. He did not feel like he fulfilled his desires since moving with the Banks, but Uncle Phil thought otherwise. He never gave up on Smith and always believed in