
Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Malala

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Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani woman who stood up to be the voice of many young girls and women in Pakistan. Malala uses her platform to help all women who have lost their voices and are scared to speak about their educational rights being taken away. Many people in Pakistan and all over the world look up to her for her bravery and courage to make a change in the educational system. Malala’s life is very different from any other kid. She and her family left the Middle East after terrorists closed the schools down. Malala, at age eleven, gave her first speech about schools closing in Pakistan. After that, she began making press appearances speaking about schools closing, women suffering, and many people thinking only “men” can receive an education, …show more content…

Yousafzai uses powerful words that convey strong emotions. She explains how the audience's words make her feel. “Your kind and encouraging words strengthen and inspire me” (Yousafzai 1). Malala explains how she feels to the audience because of her words. She makes it known that these words are important to her and give her motivation. This encourages people to keep telling her these kinds of things so she can have more motivation. She shows that she pays attention to people who care about her. “Strengthen and inspire me.” Yousafzai sets up her speech by telling her audience how excited she is about receiving her award. Through the use of pathos, she can make her point clear. “Today is a great day of happiness for me” (Yousafzai 1). It is a very important part of her receiving this award that she shows humility and gratitude. Malala uses the words “Great Day of Happiness” to help her audience understand how she is feeling. This helps set the tone for her speech. Malala gives personal information that helps people know a little more about her. This information is important because it explains where she got her name from. “I was named after the inspirational Malalai of Mai wand who is the Pashtun Joan of Arc” (Yousafzai 2). Malala explains the interesting and meaningful origin of her name. Her name is a reference to Joan of Arc, who was another important figure in women’s history. It is important to her because she is now another figure in women's history. “After the Inspirational” shows that she got inspired by who she was named after. Through the use of ethos, Malala uses her credibility to explain how things have changed. Malala uses this ethos to describe her passion for learning and trying new things. “I always loved learning and discovering new things. I remember when my friends and I would decorate our hands with

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