In Defense Of The Igeneration By Renee Wilson

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ENGL 135: Assignment C - Rhetorical Analysis In the article, “In Defense of the iGeneration”, (Wilson, 2013, p. 273) Renee Wilson argues that people mistakenly stereotype the “iGeneration” (Wilson, 2013, p. 273), comprised of people born in the 1990’s, as lazy, disrespectful, and detrimentally absorbed in technology. She believes the iGeneration form a willing and qualified group prepared to play a productive role in society, only restricted by the older generation’s lack of respect and openness. She argues her case by counter-arguing criticism of the iGeneration, supporting her opinion with experience as a teacher, including articles and examples of students, and use of pathos through tonality and anecdotes; however, she fails to clearly transition between some of her ideas and lacks a solid foundation of facts and statistics. She begins her unconventional argument by introducing an …show more content…

The two examples follow the same line of argumentation as the earlier section; this portion of the passage distinguishes itself by including direct anecdotes and opinions of iGeneration individuals. Additionally, the mention of age and the unique transition words of the two paragraphs helps draw attention to the argument in this section. Finally, the author finishes off with the most critical essence of her argument: defending the iGeneration from critique. She spends an entire page building up and justifying this point, working her way to the conclusion amidst articles and facts and anecdotes that focus more heavily on explanation rather than her actual argument. The choppy transition between the concepts requires more support to show the connection between the major ideas. Moreover, this section contains a break in the article’s credibility when she uses a fact as evidence and simply credits the source as “science says” (Wilson, 2013, p.