Rhetorical Analysis Of A College English Class

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Throughout English and writing classes in high school, I did not learn much. I understood the basics: always make a few drafts, proof read your own paper, and never use “I”. This year, I took a college English class to switch things up. I have taken a dual credit English class, but I did not benefit from it as much as I did the college English class: Reading, Writing, and Inquiry I (W131). In W131, I learned the nuts and bolts of rhetorical analysis, what to include when writing a paper, and what to expect in a college class. The class had a strong focus on rhetorical analysis. The first activity was rhetorically analyzing a cartoon of our choice, a rather fun assignment. Starting with a cartoon allowed me to relax and become comfortable with my classmates and the professor’s style of teaching. A sheet was passed out breaking down rhetorical analysis and we read chapters explaining the importance of it. The next assignment, also media related, was to choose a commercial and write an analysis. At the rough draft stage, the instructor conferenced with us and gave us pointers on how to improve our papers, I learned grammar and transitions were a weak spot for me. Eventually, we chose three articles to analyze on a topic …show more content…

Teachers at the high school level had attempted to prepare me, but their preparations were more like the original barbaric versions of fairy tales. I expected to meet a blood thirsty professor whose goal in life was to fail me. Instead, I had Mrs. Keener. Reading, Writing, and Inquiry I was a first level class and I imagine I will meet a few big bad wolf professors at some point, but Mrs. Keener’s teaching style let me relax a little and gave me and my classmates room to voice opinions and ask questions. The class made me more comfortable about attending college and gave me a clearer idea of what it might be