Rhetorical Analysis Of Crisis No. 1

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In December of 1776, Thomas Paine rose before the colonists and strove to sway them to form a militia (DeStefano). Paine knew that America needed their independence and he would stop at nothing to convince all others likewise. “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph” (Paine). This quote, from Crisis No. 1 by Thomas Paine, is just one piece of the numerable persuasive techniques he uses throughout his speech. Thomas Paine utilizes pathos during the duration of Crisis No. 1 to make the colonists yearn for their freedom and persuade them to wage war with Britain. Thomas Paine uses many tactics in his speech to connect the colonists to their emotions and urge them to become involved. “‘Well! Give me peace in my day." Not a man lives on the continent, but fully believes that… a generous parent should have said, "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace;’ and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty” (qtd. in Paine). Paine is attempting to inveigle the men to engage in war using an anecdote of a tavern keeper and his son. He is alluring their emotions and inflicting guilt upon them when he pronounces that this reason alone is “sufficient enough to …show more content…

Throughout the duration of Crisis No. 1., Paine knew how to appeal to the colonists in just the right way, and used that to his advantage. Paine played a crucial role in persuading the colonists to go to war with Britain; and some might even say that the gaining of America’s independence would not have happened without him. Thomas Paine knew that America not only needed their independence, but deserved it as well. “Not a place upon earth might be so happy as America”