Rhetorical Analysis Of Subway

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In Jessica Lundgren’s essay, “Eating Fresh” in America: Subway Restaurant’s Nutritional Rhetoric, has stated many different strategies Subway uses in their commercials to persuade consumers that they are choosing the heathier choice when getting food at their fast food restaurants. Lundgren mentions the five aspects to Subway’s nutritional claims that they fallow which includes: (1) the making of nutritional claims, (2) a visual rhetoric that makes the restaurant’s “healthy” food options appear to be numerous and exciting (in addition to being nutritious), (3) the comparison of the Subway product with the products of other, less “healthy” fast food restaurants, (4) the clear indication that the physical manifestations of eating poorly, and …show more content…

They also show heathy drinks but in the restaurants have soda as well as chips and cookies to add to your meal. They also compare other fast food chains with theirs to present how much healthier they really are compared to a Big Mac but yet they lack the information that a foot-long Italian BMT sandwich has twice the caloric value. According to the article, Subway has created Subway’s Fresh fit menu and uses it as a part of their commercials to include eating well with being physically fit which implies maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They show commercials featuring famous people and average people going into one of the restaurants as being a part of their diet to help convince, persuade, and inspire consumers to eat their food. Subway stresses in their commercials that if athletes eat their subs as part of their important and healthful part of their diets than it must be healthy for you. Subway also stresses in their advertisements that if Jared Fogle an ordinary man who lost 245 pounds in one year following the diet primary of Subway sandwiches can lose all of that weight then you can