
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Political Ad 'Still Walking'

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In 2022, while running for the runoff senate election, Raphael Warnock released an ad “Still Walking” which went into detail on why he should be elected and why his opponent Herschel Walker should not. Warnock is walking his dog when he begins to talk about the upcoming runoff election. He goes into detail about why his opponent is unfit for the senate position due to his frequent lies. Throughout the ad, Warnock adopts a confident tone to appeal to the audience. In the political ad "Still Walking", Raphael Warnock uses ethos, logos, rhetorical questions, diction, and ad hominem to convince the audience that his opponent Herschel Walker is unfit for the job due to his frequent lies. Warnock utilizes ethos throughout his ad to incite credibility and show evidence for his claim. When speaking about his opponent, he tells the audience that Walker will frequently lie and then proceeds to show the statements of other reliable sources that support his statement. As he walks down the street, he explains some of Walker's lies, some of the quotes state “An absolute firehouse of lies …show more content…

He also uses diction through the choice of words he uses such as the repeated use of the word lies and the different forms he uses it in to describe Walker. For example, Warnock says, “-you think Herschel Walker would want to explain what he'd do in the Senate if he wants to represent” (Warnock). Warnock's choice of wording helps him get his point across and persuade the audience to realize the reality of Walker. The reality of walker is that he continuously lies and doesn't even really care for Georgia. The purpose of his choice of words was to set the tone of his claim and to build off of it. Warnocks choice of words helps support Warnock's claim by supporting his ideas and giving him a strong claim to build off

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