Rhetorical Analysis On Donald Trump

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“Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States.” Donald Trump announcement for president was surprising, but not as much as the fact that he is at the top of the polls. Mr. Trump has shown focus on current problems that concern Americans. He elucidates the economic recession America is now suffering by presenting his official tax plan, in case he wins the 2016 elections. His main target? Middle class families. This social group is represented by Donald Trump in his tax plan as the main and most important group in the US that will help raise the economy. He makes them feel essential, but also makes them look fragile in the economic aspect, so he can be able to change the current Tax Reform with his ideas. The middle class is also represented as not so well educated social class by the type of register that is used in all the document. It is …show more content…

The whole purpose of this is to lure more people to read it, but also Mr. Trump makes sure there are able to understand it. He subconsciously represents the middle class as a group who doesn’t have too much access to a proper education which wont be able to understand a document or plan that has an elevated register. He uses the repetition of the word “simple” to ensure the public that his tax reform is easy to read and remember. In the detailed part of the tax plan, Trump adds “America needs a bold, simple and achievable plan based on conservative economic principles” and then “Simplifying the tax code and cutting every American’s taxes will boost consumer spending, encourage savings and investment, and maximize economic growth.” We can notice a supportive tone towards the improvement of the economy in the middle class society. He is doing this because, as it has been previously stated, the middle class is the major group in the country and if they spend more, the economy will boost up