Analysis Of Richard Dufour Approach Using Professional Learning Communities

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Chapter Three: Research
Building a leadership community based on a shared vision for success for all is a well thought out plan that takes time. Leadership communication requires that the content of the communication include a shared and compelling vision of success, a clear set of values, and honesty about performance. An effective leader must convey a sense of purpose to others, through the communication of a vision. This is done by communicating to others what is to be done, why it is important, how it will be done, and what action must be taken be each. People need a straight forward understanding of what is expected of them. Without this guidance, confusion and frustration that develops, when given an assignment or assigned to a team with little instruction. Richard DuFour approach using Professional Learning Communities (PLC) is a step in the right direction. One major emphasis in the …show more content…

“Will you look at that . . . even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.” When asked to explain, the grandfather said that the old expression means that if you work hard enough and are persistent, good things will happen. As the story goes, every once in a while something good would happen and the blind squirrel would stumble upon an acorn. (Many 2015). School districts across the country are living the parable of the blind squirrel. The districts need to find ways to work smarter, not harder. The mission and vision aren’t the only driving force in today’s school. Data is a critical aspects that is being addressed daily or should be. Looking at data has been and will be a challenge for a fixed mindset. A growth mindset according to Carol Dweck’s work will push a district to overcome the challenges. The old saying if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Being positive is just one good characteristic that she addressed for a “growth mindset”. Administrators that are focusing on the

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