
Rid Of Procrastion

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The nightmares of college are coming to life. Your are beginning to experience the collegiate responsibilities at a younger age. You may feel as if you’ve been stripped of your training wheels and forced to rely on your own embryonic balance. And to be quite frank, this may be the most challenging time of your high school career; because this is all foreign territory to you. Students have been known to opt out of the first few weeks, because they lack the implied knowledge needed to succeed in the Dual Credit Program. Unlike you, they were deprived of the assistance that is given in this guide. The only way to survive the difficult road ahead, is to heed my admonitions. First lesson, be rid of procrastination! It acts as an infectious parasite and should be treated as such. It has a way of creeping up on you. And if not careful, it will be hard to dispose of. Many students have a hard time coming to terms with this, because they have this idea that they have mastered it. However, college is nothing like high school. You can’t expect to B.S your way through it and get out from the other side winning. Every day that is wasted, is another night doubled with work. Punctuality is a valuable trait to acquire. There is no simple way of saying it, but to just nip it in the bud. Procrastination is too much of a bad habit to prolong. …show more content…

Unlike high school, the relationship between student and professor is strictly professional. You can’t expect them to hold your hand and clean up after you. The professor’s focus is not to tend to your specific needs. They already expect a lot from you considering your advanced placement. Also, when you make a mistake, learn from it. The professor will only give you so many chances to correct yourself. This will just prepare you for maturity. Their methods of teaching will discipline you and push you to your limits. You must learn not to take them for

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