Habakkuk The Righteous Way Analysis

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Addressing a small crowd of Teenagers (Boys and Girls) in the age group of 16 years to 20 years. The Righteous Way!
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! I am very happy to stand in front of you all today. You all are with so much of energy, happiness, and vibrancy today, to hear from the word. As we try to meditate today on the Lord's word, let's turn our Bible to the Book of Habakkuk, chapter 2 verses 1-14. Let's all bow down our heads and pray to the God for his holy presence.
The most important struggle, you all face at this time in your generation is to stand righteous in your schools, colleges, communities, among friend’s and in different circles of life. Let’s see, to get a small …show more content…

To give you a small outline of the book, Habakkuk is minor prophetic book. The author of the book, Habakkuk prophecies to the Israelites about the impending invasion of Babylonian's in their country, as a judgement by God, because of the sin and adultery committed by them. Habakkuk is asking God, how much the Lord will let all this sin happen in the country. The God answers his questions, about the …show more content…

A righteous human will live by Gods standards of truth, morality, justice, and social commitments. A righteous man will look outside himself to the Lord. Righteousness is possible to a man only through Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ makes you righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). In the New Testament, the same statements about faith are there in Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38. You got saved by your faith in Jesus, not by any good deeds or any written laws. As Christians we should live by the faith in Jesus. Martin Luther, the famous monk started his reformation through this verse. Luther was always guilty and very much aware of his sins, which made him fall short from Gods laws. This verse made him believe that his sins were forgiven by faith, not by his works and that the righteous shall live by