Rights Of Women In Canada Essay

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Women to this day are not treated with equality and respect that they deserve, and at one point in Canadian history women did not have the same rights as men did. This was an issue Canadians thought they resolved, however even now we see discrimination towards women. In WWI, women were housewives and were not allowed to have a job until they had to because of conscription. After the war a lot of things changed in the society and women gained certain rights and freedoms and were viewed differently prior to the war. This was a huge step forward in Canadian history. During WWII, women gained the right to vote in Quebec which was the first province to make this right legal for women. Continuity and change developed and shaped our nation in terms …show more content…

Women have actively participated in war from nursing combatants and the manufacturing of munitions during both world wars and has only increased their involvement in the military, however this was not always the case. During WWI, when men had to fight for their country due to conscription, women were required to replace these men in their respective jobs. Although the government gave women a chance, this chance did not last long as men returned home from the war to regain their positions in their companies. When men lost their jobs, and found themselves without their identity, they floundered and wandered, not knowing what to do. Women remained at work even when men lost their jobs and had to attempt to make what little income they might have stretch to points that were unheard of. During the years of 1935 and 1936, the average median income for a family was $1,160. This meant that a housewife had approximately $20 a week to pay for all essentials including the food for their family and their shelter. A lot of things were wrong in this era and one of them were that people did not realize that women were just as capable as men were. Women were looked down upon and were given very little respect and were not given any sort of chance to prove

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