Riley Child Center's Philosophy

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According to Gadikowski (2013), “The vision and mission statements of an early childhood program often reflect the organization’s philosophy, that is, its beliefs about how children best learn and develop” (Section 1.4). Keeping that statement in mind, below are my opinions of the philosophy, vision, and mission of the Charlotte R. Riley Child Center and the Queen Emma Preschool. Charlotte R. Riley Child Center’s philosophy, vision, and mission evaluation: distinguished I think that the Charlotte R. Riley Child Center’s philosophy is distinguished because it clearly states and supports how they believe that children learn and develop. By clearly defining their beliefs and providing the appropriate child development theories as support makes their philosophies relevant and distinguished. I think that the Charlotte R. Riley Child Center’s vision is distinguished because it expresses what they want to accomplish and provide in their community and what they have to offer families and the community. I think that the Charlotte R. Riley Child Center’s mission is …show more content…

By not connecting their ideas to child development theories makes their philosophies less relevant and approaching. I think that the Queen Emma Preschool’s vision is approaching because it does not clearly express what they want to accomplish but does however state what they have to offer. I think that the Queen Emma Preschool’s mission is approaching because according to Gadikowski (2013), “In addition to a vision, an organization also needs a clearly articulated mission statement, which describes why the organization exists, what it does, and who it serves” (Section 1.4). In my opinion, they covered a lot about what they offer but not a lot in why they exist and who they