Riley Wells: A Short Story

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Riley Wells, a thirteen year old girl, blond, blue eyed, tall ,and skinny came home from school one day so upset she ran up to her room without talking to her family, Her little brother, Johnny, was knocking on her door and heard Riley crying. Little Johnny went and got his mom to help Riley with whatever she was crying about. When her mom heard Riley crying she went in her room in a hurry and asked what was wrong. Riley and her mom were very close so Riley didn’t have a problem telling her. She began to say, some boy told her that her shoes were for someone pretty and weren’t meant for her. Her favorite sparkly heel that made her feel as if she was a princess and made her happy. This boy was telling her she was ugly and had no right to do …show more content…

Her mom makes her go to school because she tells her that he was a stupid boy that is rude and doesn’t know what he is talking about. Riley walks into the halls of BHS and the first thing she sees, David Brooks, the mean boy that had no right to say what he did to Riley. Riley is wearing her favorite shoes as always and walks right passed him while he laughs at her with all his friends. She ignores it at the moment but inside all these mean comments are building up inside of her making her lose her self esteem and confidence. Riley goes home the second day and goes straight to her room. Her mom knew that it was the boy again so, she took Riley’s shoes that she wore to school that were kicked off in front of the door and brought them upstairs to Riley. Riley asked why she had them, and why they are up here. Her mom explains those are her shoes, those beautiful, wonderful pair of shoes that show who she is. Those shoes reflect who she is, don't listen to what some stupid boy says, he just wants to make her feel sad because he probably has something going on in life. Riley is beautiful inside and out and no one can tell her

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