Robert Boyle Research Paper

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Robert Boyle is famously known as the first modern chemist, and one of the founders of modern chemistry. “Boyle made huge contributions to a number of subjects, including chemistry, physics, medicine, hydrostatics, natural history and earth sciences”(Britannica 2011). Boyle was most famously recognized for his discoveries in Boyle’s law. “Boyle’s law is an experimental gas law that describes how the pressure of a gas tends to increase as the volume of the container decreases.” The relationship between pressure and volume was first discovered by Richard Townley and Henry Power, But Robert Boyle confirmed the discovery through experiments. Boyle conducted 43 different experiments to prove his law. Boyle wrote a book called New Experiments. This …show more content…

The value of the properties determine the state of the gas, and these values are related to one another (NASA 2015). Robert Boyle was a scientist who observed the relationship between pressure and volume. He came to the conclusion that the relationship between pressure and volume is inversely proportional when held at a constant temperature. The equation for Boyle's law is P1V1=P2V2, which states that as pressure increases volume decreases, and as volume increases pressure decreases. Boyle studied the pressure of air in a U shaped curve, which only worked if the temperature and moles remained constant. “The product of pressure and volume is exactly a constant for an ideal gas” (NASA …show more content…

Contrastingly, as the pressure increases, the volume would decrease. In our experiment we blew up a balloon to the size of a quarter so it would fit inside a 60mL syringe. Then, we stuffed the balloon in the syringe. After that we put the plunger, the end of the syringe that is compressed into the 60mL tube, in the syringe. Making sure the tip of the syringe was not covered, we observed what happened to the balloon as the pressure remained the same the entire time. Once we recorded the results, we began the experiment again, but this time, the tip of the syringe was closed off. We observed what happened to the balloon when the pressure of the syringe increased. We came to the conclusion that as the pressure increased the volume of the balloon

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