
Robert Dupont War On Drugs Summary

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Robert DuPont is an American psychiatrist known, or rather, infamous for his works in the field of drugs in the US. He was one of the early detractors of marijuana. He even described it as one of "the most dangerous drug". A description wildly disproven by the current and even the scientific reports and studies back in his time. The doctor practically invented the term “gateway drug” in the 1980s. Now, he is back, and once again brings back his outdated, obsolete, and possibly greed-induced initiatives to the campaign of the current government against the war on drugs. How the “War” Started The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was established by Richard Nixon in 1973 The agency was created as a means to enforce and strictly implement …show more content…

He also added cannabis as a schedule one or Class A drug for some time. He ignored studies and recommendations by doctors and professionals to decriminalize the distribution and even possession of cannabis use. In Nixon’s first speech about the war on drugs, he declared that drug abuse was “public enemy number one”. Several experts on the topic especially the proponents of medical marijuana argued with the decision. They claim that the policy of war on drugs does not really focus on the risks associated with it, rather, it revolves around who that particular drug is associated with. “The first anti-opium laws in the 1870s were directed at Chinese immigrants. The first anti-cocaine laws, in the South in the early 1900s, were directed at black men. The first anti-marijuana laws, in the Midwest and the Southwest in the 1910s and 20s, were directed at Mexican migrants and Mexican Americans. Today, Latino and especially black communities are still subject to wildly disproportionate drug enforcement and sentencing practices,” http://www.drugpolicy.org writes. Nixon had some help from Dr. Robert DuPont with this war. The psychiatrist was appointed as the first Director of National Institute on Drug Abuse by the former president. Looming …show more content…

Dupont. Dupont, now 81, was appointed to the effect of marijuana with regards to the drugged driving topic. According to reports, the former drug critic didn’t disappoint with his radical ideas in curbing the substance from the road. In 2010, he helped in writing the national model bill that gives the law enforcement officials the right to test anyone who is suspected to drive under the influence of all controlled substances. It will also give power to authorities to conduct arrests if they find even the slightest trace of illegal elements from the suspected motorist. The bill does include exemptions for drivers who have prescriptions. But medical marijuana is not included in that exclusion. They disputed that although it is legal, doctors are only allowed to recommend the substance but not to prescribe it. It is also specified in the bill that individuals caught will face sanction even if they are from a state in which cannabis is legal. Who Benefits from Drug Testing? Sounding and looking tough on crime in relation to drugs is an easy road to makes nice sound bites and gain a lot of popularity among the

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